Monday, January 23, 2012

Angry Birds

These are my latest FO and will be going to their new home soon.  The little guys with the hats are Mini-OctoGottcha's.  I thought that the boys who are going to get the hats, would love one of them in the same color.  Whatcha think?

I enjoy making them and watching them each take on a personality of their own as their faces are sewn onto the hat.

They sell for $15.00 each and shipping.  If you are in the market for one or more, contact me about them.  I accept PayPal. You can reach me at Stitch 'n Frog

I make them for size baby to adult.  All I need is the measurement of the receipent's head, or their approximate age, There is also a Yellow and a White Angry Bird.

I can also make a baby's diaper cover in the same color as the hat.  It makes for a very cute set.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

OctoGottcha vs Loctollipop

When this critter was first designed, its name was Loctollipop.  However due to people not being able to say or remember the name, they now are OctoGottchas.  Octo because they look like an octopus.  And Gottcha because if they are placed on your head, even for an instant, they've "Gottcha" brain!

Recently, in getting ready for a craft show in April, I made the batch below.  The bodies of the ones above are about 4" tall, while the ones below have a body only about 2" tall.  They are the perfect size to give as surprises to the kids that come up to my table, or to children while I'm "out & about".  They are especially helpful when at the doctor's office, given to a child who is frightened or miserably sick.  For some reason ( I can't figure out why . . . LOL ) the thought of sucking the brains out of someone, then putting those brains in their own heads, seems to brighten even the most ill child ~:o)  Sure wish I'd have thought of them when my own children were young!

The pattern is currently on sale in my Etsy store~ Stitch 'n Frog at Etsy