Thursday, December 24, 2015

It's Christmas Eve and soon it will be a new year! Time passes so very fast. The older I get the faster it seems to fly by.

The past few years have held surprises, surgeries that were certainly unexpected, but were successful, and many other events. This year held the biggest surprise of all - - - breast cancer. I had surgery at the end of July, a healing period, then radiation treatments. Then over a month to get over side effects of the treatments. So it's been an eventful year but a wonderful one because the C had not spread and the surgeon was able to remove all of it!

I hope your year has been as good and that the coming new year is a fantastic year for us all!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Geeze! It's been over a year

It has been over a year since I was last on here. Amazing...

I hope to put a few more patterns up soon. I want to put all that I've done on here for free use.

In July the doctor found a lump in my breast, that turned out to be cancer. I hope everyone will stay up to date on their mammograms! That is what saved me. They performed a lumpectomy or partial-mastectomy and were able to get all of it. It had not spread to my lymph nodes, and subsequent tests were good, so no chemo. I did have radiation treatments for over a month. They are finished, but I'm still not over the side effects. Hopefully in another month I will be back up to par and able to crochet again.

Many have used my Spidey'ghan pattern, and I am asking you all to have your annual mammogram. They are not fun to have, but one might save your life as it did mine! For which I am very grateful and thankful.

Many hugs to everyone. Keep on hooking and enjoy Life!