Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hey, Lookie what I just bought!

I just got this pattern from Crafty Deb and HAVE to show you!   I love it and will be making two of them between now and Halloween.  I want to take them to Starbucks so they can sit on the table with us and have a cuppa with Wendy and I~    I think they will give us two of the sample cups so our new friends can share a cuppa with us~  He has a lovely smile, don't you think?

I think they will be the hit of the day, don't you?

You can get the pattern, and it's well worth the cost, at along with many, many more patterns.  I also got this one today, and want to make these to give to kids.  Aren't they Adorable?

Gotta love her eyes!!!

PS:  I buy my patterns from her just as anyone else will.  I am posting this only because I love her patterns so much, not for any form of gain!


  1. I love them both! I wish I could do ami, but I'm all thumbs. Those dolls are precious and yes, I love her eyes!

  2. Wow! Great job! I am looking forward to getting my pattern and crochet them for display.

