Sunday, January 23, 2011

I have a very tired back of my front~

Have you ever had the opportunity to visit the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida?  If so, you know the layout - it's big and stretched out . . .
We had to go there for a "second opinion" and boy did we get our daily walking in!  Why is it, I wonder, that when you are sent for a test you have to leave the area you are in and walk the entire length of the facility?  Do you think they lay it out that way on purpose?  Yeah, me too~

First we sat to wait to see the doctor in the Canaday building.
* Had a length of time until the first test, so we went to the Cafe in the Canaday building. 
Then came a test in the Mayo building, where we sat again to wait for our turn.
* Had a length of time until the first test, so we went to the Cafe in the Canaday building.
Next it was go back to the clinic in Canaday building to sit again to wait for our turn.  Ok, not bad so far.
* Had a length of time until the first test, so we went to the Cafe in the Canaday building.
Then it was go to the Davis building at the back of the building of course~ and sit again to wait for our turn.
Of course we had to return to the Canaday building,  to sit again to wait.

Tom Foolery aside, the staff at the Mayo are effecient and friendly.  They take care of multitudes of people quickly and well.

The cafe was in the Canaday building, hence the hours between tests we went there for tea or food.  The food there is healthy, of course, and quite tasty.

Between the walking and the waiting, my legs and backside are tired!  Add to that the 4 hour drive to get home, with a meal about half-way due to the hours of our travel. 
   Need I say that we could happily stay at home for the next week?

And it looks like we get to do it again next month.  Our cats are NOT going to like our being gone again.  At least they've forgiven us  now for being gone for four days and are "allowing" us to pet and scratch them again.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Look at the mess you've gotten me into!

That's what I said to myself after ordering this -
It is a "Meggie", a kick spindle~  Today, if we can drag our very tired bodies out & into town, I will get a hands-on teaching session on how to spin fiber into yarn.  Yet I already have two, TWO, drop spindles that I love, and have ordered the Meggie from Heavenly Handspinning  AND I have 3 pounds of fiber, roving, to spin.  The Meggie's price is great, she is very portable, takes up almost no space, and can be sat on the floor or a table to use.  In our cramped living space, she is perfect.  I wonder what her name will be . . . My spindle #1 is Betsy Mae, spindle #2 is Jenny (Jennifer gifted her to me, so she had to be named after Jen).  Naturally my Meggie will have to have a name too~:o)

Some may say, "Yep, she's lost it for sure this time."  Others would  know that this is an ancient art that I have wanted to learn for more years than I can count.  And that's true.  I don't have a clue as to why I waited until I was 66 years old to learn, but I do plan to have a total blast with it now!

When I produce some yarn worth showing, I will post photos.  I have some very pretty roving, so if today's lesson goes well, maybe I will get to post some soon~

Monday, January 10, 2011

Little Britches Dishcloth pattern

Britches Dishcloths

Size H hook
4 ply 100% Cotton Yarn
Ribbon for joining

Make 2 cloths to make the britches

Row 1: ch 28, counting the loop on the hook, dbl crochet in 3rd ch from hook and in each st across, (27 dc)

Row 2: Ch 2, counts as first dc now and throughout, turn, dc in each st across (27 dc)

Row 3-14: Repeat row 2. Finish off.

Fold each dishcloth in half and thread ribbon through second from the bottom row, gather and tie a bow in each. this will form the bottom of the "britches" leg. Then thread ribbon through second from top row starting on the front and continuing around and connecting both dishcloths in the back and continuing around to the front. Gather and tie to form waist of pants. Tie one more ribbon 4 or 5 rows from waist connecting both together to form fly.

Attach the following poem and they are ready to give away:

Now don't get excited,
Don't be misled.
These aren't for you,
But our dishes instead.

Just pull on the bow,
Take out the stitches,
You've gained two dishcloths,
But, you've lost your....britches.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 E-Book Reading Challenge

I've just signed up for the 2011 E-Book Reading Challenge at The Ladybug Reads  Why not join us and keep track of your reading history for the year? 

My first book of the year; 1) Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Find it here~
I began looking for this book as soon as I got my Kindle.  And requested that it be released to Kindle every week.  Finally it is available!  I've worn out two or three copies of the book in paperback because I read it over and over, but maybe now that it's an e-book it won't wear out~:o)
  Lucifer's Hammer is a story of what happens to Earth when a comet hits.  It follows a few people from discovery of the comet, through the strikes on Earth, and their efforts to rebuild their corner of civilization.

It's a bright sunny morning here, with ice/snow possible late today?  Weird weather!!!  But as it clouds up and gets colder it will be a super day for crocheting, spinning, and of course Reading~

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Projects to work on~

When this pattern came in, I got busy on making one right away.  I think they would do well at a Spring Folklife Festival and want to have several by then.

This is a dishcloth like my Grandmother used to make.  It always seemed a shame to use it as such~

And I will be making a bag of Little Britches dishcloths.  In case you are not old enough to remember such, this is what two pair of them look like.  When you pull out the ribbon, you have two rectangular or square dishcloths~ 

Since it is supposed to represent the crafts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, I will also take at least one thread project.  Maybe a couple of doilies and this filet;

And what crochet craft item of that time period would be complete without an afghan?  Will have to make a couple of Spidey'ghans for the show . . .