Sunday, January 23, 2011

I have a very tired back of my front~

Have you ever had the opportunity to visit the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida?  If so, you know the layout - it's big and stretched out . . .
We had to go there for a "second opinion" and boy did we get our daily walking in!  Why is it, I wonder, that when you are sent for a test you have to leave the area you are in and walk the entire length of the facility?  Do you think they lay it out that way on purpose?  Yeah, me too~

First we sat to wait to see the doctor in the Canaday building.
* Had a length of time until the first test, so we went to the Cafe in the Canaday building. 
Then came a test in the Mayo building, where we sat again to wait for our turn.
* Had a length of time until the first test, so we went to the Cafe in the Canaday building.
Next it was go back to the clinic in Canaday building to sit again to wait for our turn.  Ok, not bad so far.
* Had a length of time until the first test, so we went to the Cafe in the Canaday building.
Then it was go to the Davis building at the back of the building of course~ and sit again to wait for our turn.
Of course we had to return to the Canaday building,  to sit again to wait.

Tom Foolery aside, the staff at the Mayo are effecient and friendly.  They take care of multitudes of people quickly and well.

The cafe was in the Canaday building, hence the hours between tests we went there for tea or food.  The food there is healthy, of course, and quite tasty.

Between the walking and the waiting, my legs and backside are tired!  Add to that the 4 hour drive to get home, with a meal about half-way due to the hours of our travel. 
   Need I say that we could happily stay at home for the next week?

And it looks like we get to do it again next month.  Our cats are NOT going to like our being gone again.  At least they've forgiven us  now for being gone for four days and are "allowing" us to pet and scratch them again.

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