Saturday, June 9, 2012

Not much crochet time lately

Well, I've not had much crochet time lately, at least not things that require a pattern.  I've made a bunch of newborn baby hats for the hospital, then Thursday got a call from them asking if I had a tiny blanket or cocoon for a baby that was not  going to live.  I didn't.  But I did whip out a little cocoon that afternoon and took it to them. 

A professional photographer comes in when they lose a baby, to take a photograph for the parents to keep.  They try to have the baby in a blanket with a cap, or a cocoon, for the photo, then they give them to the parents along with the photograph as a keepsake.

It breaks my heart to make them, but they asked if I could make some in a variegated baby blue & pink yarn.  So I will.  I had to order yarn, even with all the yarn I have, that kind/color was not in my Stash.   As soon as it comes in, I'll get started on some blankets & hats first then some cocoons.  The blankets need to be only 14 inches square.  That alone broke my heart.  So tiny, with no chance at Life.

It is a sad thing, but from the parents viewpoint, it is a loving thing.  So if you think you can do it for the parents in your area, contact your hospital and ask if they need them and what size is most needed.  I have nothing other than memories and a photograph of my two lost babies graves. So can say from personal experience that your work will be appreciated and loved for many years.

The reason I was crocheting only newborn hats for the past week, is that my husband was in the hospital with blood clots in his legs and lungs.  We are so very lucky that he agreed to go in.  He does not have pain with them, like most people does.  So we have to watch for other symptoms.  For the rest of his life he will be on Coumadin and on the Coumadin diet - very careful of vitamin K intake.  I did not realize that it thickens the blood, causing it clot quicker.  Naturally the foods he likes best have a lot of vitamin K in them.  I'll be giving all of our high-K foods to some friends who can use them, and not buying more.  This is at hubby's request.  He said that if he can't eat the amount he wants of them (huge bowls each serving) he'd rather not eat them at all.

We got him out of the hospital Tuesday afternoon, and he's still weak and needs more rest.  So this weekend we are enjoying some rainy weather, practicing go be professional Couch-Potatoes, and getting Square Eyed from watching movies.  Not a bad weekend, eh?

Wishing you and yours a happy weekend and good health!