Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Beauty Webinar

Cherelynn is doing a free webinar for beauty consultants, if you know an Avon, Arbonne or MaryKay lady who could use more sales and bridal clients, would you share this link? Thanks!


She won't steer you wrong!  Go check it out, you'll be glad you did!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I finally finished the Kissy! Kissy! Fish Face Hat!  Yay!
I love it, but due to illness and exhaustion, have had a terrible time in completing it.  And I'm very happy to have it done so I can mail it to the pattern writer for donation to a children's cancer clinic.

The lady who wrote the pattern has a shop on Ravelry Crochet By Darleen Hopkins

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moving within the home is a pain in the Everywhere!

Our adult daughter has lived with us for the past few years, and just recently moved into her own apartment.  So we are in the process of moving, but without leaving home~

My old yarn room is going to become the pantry we never had, and my new yarn room is being set up in the den which was her room for those years.  The room is much larger, and better lit than my old yarn room, thanks to this room having 8 windows.

Currently it looks a bit like this - - -

And that's just one side of the room!  So it may take me a good while to locate specific yarn, or pattern, or magazine, or even the container of buttons that I need to finish the new curtain tie-backs that I'm crocheting.

But when it is finished, it will be my Happy Room!  A place that I can go to just to sit in my rocking chair, and enjoy being surrounded by yarn and projects in various stages of completion.  In other words, my dream room~

And possibly the best thing of all, our daughter likes her apartment and likes doing things her way, when she wants to do them. So I don't even have to feel guilty about using "her room" for my yarny goodness.  Besides, her yarn is out there too!  ~LOL~

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It just doesn't come any cuter than this!

Little Owl's Hut

I bought the pattern the day it hit her store, and am SO anxious to start work on it!  The patterns at this store are amazing and every time I think they can't come up with another one even half as good as the last, they come up with one equal to or better!

Go take a look and you'll see for yourself.  I do not get anything at all for posting about their patterns.  I do it only so maybe they will get known by more and more people.  And because I believe that their work is of such quality that they deserve every Kudo and Pat On The Back that we can give to them.

Happy Hooking!