Thursday, February 21, 2013


I finally finished the Kissy! Kissy! Fish Face Hat!  Yay!
I love it, but due to illness and exhaustion, have had a terrible time in completing it.  And I'm very happy to have it done so I can mail it to the pattern writer for donation to a children's cancer clinic.

The lady who wrote the pattern has a shop on Ravelry Crochet By Darleen Hopkins

1 comment:

  1. Oh it’s Sunday-lovely, lovely Sunday!
    Hope this finds you enjoying some downtime and making memories with loved ones!
    P.S. I’m doing a free webinar for beauty consultants, if you know an Avon, Arbonne or MaryKay lady who could use more sales and bridal clients, would you share this link? Thanks!


    Ciao ciao for now!
    Makeup University
